Non-discrimination: Oakland Acupuncture Project does not discriminate on the basis of race or national origin, age, religion, ability, education, height, weight, body type, marital status, sexual orientation, sex, or gender identity. All are welcome!
Cancellation Policy: All missed appointments and those cancelled with less than 12 hours notice are subject to a $20 no-show/late-cancellation fee. The online scheduler will not allow you to cancel appointments less than 12 hours prior to the appointment time. You will need to email or call us promptly to cancel or reschedule the appointment.
Help us be Scent Free! We are a fragrance free clinic. Please help us to accommodate our patients who are chemically sensitive to fragrances and other scented products. Thank you for not wearing perfume, aftershave, scented hand lotion, fragranced hair products, essential oils, and/or similar products during your visit.
Drop-ins: We will accommodate drop-in appointments as space permits. Please check with the practitioner on duty to see if they can fit you in. You can also schedule same-day appointments online; getting your name on the schedule can be helpful since it allows us to review your treatment history in advance.
Kids at OAP: We do treat children at OAP provided that they are able to sit quietly during their treatment. Children should be accompanied by an adult. Some caregivers bring books or DVDs to occupy kids during treatment. 15 minutes with the needles is usually plenty of time for a younger child. We find that kids who want to receive treatment usually do fine; if your child is frightened or just isn’t interested in treatment it is probably better to wait until they are older.
Animals at OAP: No animals allowed in the clinic, including emotional support animals. Service animals are the only exception. We do not treat pets at OAP. If you would like a referral for animal acupuncture please let us know.
Closing time: The clinic will close one hour after the last appointment time. Please keep this in mind if you like to sleep for a long time during treatment!
Insurance, HSA/FSA accounts, Receipts, Records Requests:
Insurance – We do not do any insurance billing, but you can request a super bill twice a year. For more information on this please Click Here and scroll down to the insurance section.
HSA/FSA Accounts – Acupuncture is an approved medical expense. Click Here for more information on how to use these accounts at OAP.
Receipts – For cash and check payments you can make do-it-yourself receipts at our payment station with the receipt pad and stamp. For credit card payments you should receive an email receipt with each payment. You can also request a cumulative or itemized receipt twice a year, though you will need to provide us with any cash/check payment amounts as we do not keep a record of these (we simply monitor that a payment was made in the sliding scale). Please send any receipt requests to and we will get to them as soon as we are able.
Record Requests – If you need a copy of your records for any reason, please send the request to