“I was certified in Swedish massage in 1978, and have been in practice continuously since then. I began to study the Trager™ Approach in 1980, and became a Trager Practitioner in 1991. I continue to deepen my knowledge and experience with Trager, refining my understanding of the interplay of our nerves, muscles, and movements as they interact with our social and psychological conditioning. The Trager Approach touches the person on many levels and helps deepen their awareness of who they are. My approach is gentle, and with my perceptive touch I provide an atmosphere of relaxation, safety, and acceptance. I bring several techniques to my practice, and most recently have begun training in the Upledger style of Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST). To date I have completed 5 levels of training. I am also a licensed Esthetician, graduating in 2000 from Le Melange Academy in Napa, CA. I opened my private skin care practice in Sepastopol, CA, alongside my Trager practice. I use a natural skin care line with ingredients designed to cleanse and revitalize your skin, helping to reverse the degenerating effects of environmental pollution, stress, and aging.”
Deirdre works on Tuesdays at our Grand Ave. clinic. Schedule Now with Deirdre
Contact: (707) 529-2819 https://www.deirdrehormelbodywork.com/